Massage Candles with Cocoa Butter
對阿茲特克人來說,<可可> 是上天賜予的禮物,在神祕的祭拜儀式典禮裡,<可可> 是神聖的象徵。
‧Délice D'initié 蠟燭是一以植物為複化基礎物的獨特產品。
‧Délice D'initié 可於燃燒中熔化成濃稠的按摩可可精油。
用途 :可可香氛蠟燭按摩油是一款可同時觸動你各種感官享受的美妝品,能使你的身、心、靈都得到平靜、愉悅和放鬆。蠟燭燃燒釋放出的牛奶巧克力香味,可讓你的心靈得到放鬆;而遇熱溶化的可可油則可直接倒在身體當成按摩精油,具有滋養保濕和肌膚再生的功效,讓肌膚如絲質般柔滑。
主成份 : 可可油、棕櫚油、椰子油等。
香味 : 山胡椒巧克力/榛果巧克力
Inspired by Aztec mythology, where Cocoa, a gift from the Gods, was in the heart of mystic rituals, the "DÉLICE D'INITIÉ" Candle whose base is exclusively formulated with natural vegetal ingredients (Cocoa Butter, Palm Oil and Coconut Oil) transforms, after melting, into a warm and rich massage oil.
This deliciously scented oil can be poured directly on the skin for a long lasting relaxing and sensuous massage.
‧Actions : Nourishes, moisturizes and revitalizes the skin, makes skin radiant, silkier, smoother to the touch and slightly perfumed.
‧Two scents available : Chocolate & Pepper / Chocolate & Hazelnut.
‧Ingredients : Cocoa Butter , Palm Oil ( Vitamin E) and Coconut Oil.
- Jan 27 Wed 2010 11:33