Chocolat O Lait
用途 : 感覺巧克力乳液質地如奶油般細緻,每天使用於全身肌膚,可幫助細胞的更新,抵抗自由基的傷害。使肌膚保持水嫩帶來無與倫比的極至觸感。
香味 : 黑巧克力/牛奶巧克力
主成份 : 可可油、蘆薈、Silicone SF、Dimethicone等。
Dark & Milk Chocolate Moisturizing Body Milks with Cocoa Butter
‧Actions : Provides extraordinary silkiness and protection to even the most dry of skin types. Promotes cell renewal and fights free radicals. Leaves a gently perfumed skin.
‧Two fragrances available : Dark Chocolate / Milk Chocolate
‧Ingredients : Cocoa Butter / Aloe Vera / Silicone SF / Dimethicone